October 25


Top Challenges Facing Online Education Today

Online education became the new face of learning for many institutions when the pandemic hit. Even though people are gradually returning to physical work and school activity, online education isn’t going away.

Studying online provides a better alternative or supplement for schools to keep their doors open. Schools offering in-person and online studies can offer flexible education, train more students, and maximize resources.

However, online education has its unique challenges. Despite the setbacks, online learning tools like PDF editors help students and teachers surmount these issues. Let’s look into some of these challenges first.

#1. Technical issues

Getting acquainted with online learning software is a big challenge for most students and teachers. Teachers need extra training to host online classes, prepare their lessons in digital formats, and grade student assignments.

On the other hand, system failure, network problems, or lack of technical support can disrupt the flow of communication. When students have difficulty getting stable internet, they can miss out on most of the class.

Besides, technical issues can spoil the online experience for all parties involved. If students cannot integrate top-tier tools to work on an editable document before submitting it, it can alter the work’s quality and affect their grades.

#2. Time management

The struggle with managing time continues with online learning and affects staff and students. For instance, teachers must attend virtual conferences, student meetings, and lectures and still grade student assignments.

On the other hand, students must devote 10 hours a day to attending online classes, studying, and writing their assignments. Unless there’s a way to automate time-consuming activities, they will struggle to keep up.

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Many students sign up for online education so they can study and go to work. But with the demands of remote learning, they need excellent time management skills to succeed in school and work.

#3. Online distractions

This challenge relates to time management because distractions eat up time for important tasks. With online learning, you must come across social media. Pop-ups and media notifications can also distract people from doing actual work.

Without these distractions, learners could pay closer attention in online classes, learn how to modify PDF file, and prepare better class presentations.

#4. Lack of motivation

Students who spend so much time learning from screens can become bored, uninspired, and isolated. The lack of face-to-face interactions can make learners procrastinate essential tasks.

Students who feel less inclined to online learning might find it hard to stay focused. They can be frustrated about completing technical tasks like how to edit text in PDF file, change PDF to editable doc, and opening PDF locked for editing on their own.

Due to these difficulties, they can lack interest and wish to pack up. This can further demoralize students who juggle school and work responsibilities.

#5. Digital illiteracy

Access to computers doesn’t necessarily mean that teachers can handle all digital learning tools. Administrators and tutors will be dealing with lots of data and will need the right tools to work on them.

Students must also learn online communication etiquette for quality interactions in their online classes. They must learn to open and edit PDF in seconds without extra help and teach their students to do the same.

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There are tips and tricks that online learners must know to get tasks done quickly. One essential tip is learning to convert Word to editable PDF so they can make changes and share files in a universal file format.

How to address the challenges of online education

Online learning can be a seamless and rewarding experience with suitable systems in place. Now that we’ve identified the challenges let’s figure out how to solve them.

#1. Use intuitive online learning software

You need digital tools to organize your school workflows, help staff render classes, and allow students to get work done. Start with an easy-to-use note-taking app like Lumin PDF, which brings digital documents to life on your device.

Anyone can operate a desktop PDF editor, but it’s better to get document editing software you can access on your laptop, smartphone, and the web. Having flexible tools also lets you edit PDF DOC without hassle.

To save time, teachers can share class schedules online, send reading materials ahead of time, and grade assignments on the go. All these functions can be covered with a single professional PDF editor.

#2. Offer digital training

Training teachers to use computer software isn’t as hard as you think. Software providers understand that people need help to manage these tools. So they provide instructional manuals, help guides, and technical support online.

Students must learn how to prepare assignments and communicate with their lecturers and fellow students. Proper netiquette requires online learners to be respectful, wait for their turn in class, and avoid typing in all caps.

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Also, opt for digital tools that offer excellent customer support so that users can find help where necessary. For instance, the best tools provide blog, audio, or video tutorials showing how to make a PDF convert to Word edit, sign an edited PDF, or create documents from scratch.

#3. Using online forums for engagement

Teachers should get students involved more often to help improve students’ motivation during online classes. Regular communication and feedback through class notes, online forums, and video conferencing can heighten students’ interest.

Studying at home creates a distance among the learners, but they can converse with others through forums and chats. For instance, during a one-hour video class, teachers can ask students questions to keep them focused.

Collaboration is also key to driving student engagement. Getting students to work together on files and do group research can harness their teamwork skills and spark continued interest. This requires students to use digital tools that allow cloud-based collaboration.


Despite the challenges surrounding online education, there are ways to circumvent these loops.

While we cannot resolve poor internet connectivity or students who share laptops with their siblings, staff and students can adopt tools that automate learning processes. Getting the best tools should be the top priority of all schools adopting digital-based learning.

If you’re curious to start testing digital tools, Lumin is a robust PDF editing software, to begin with. Once you sign up, you can access free and premium editing on any device.




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