December 20


What is Digital Marketing? CLICKBAIT – Know the Quick Trick of Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing reaches consumers through the internet because the needs and demands of people increase day by day. Digital marketing plays a dominant role in today’s modern world as it gains publicity, fame by spending less money. Digital marketing attracts customers via mail, content marketing, social media, search platform, and using these online media channels. Digital marketing is in use by companies to endorse their brands and services. It has taken over traditional marketing channels. Business dealers need to use a strategy to get to know their audience, gather data about them, and proceed with metrics that give credit to the marketing team. Sites like PyxisSocial helps you promote your social media content with ease.

Social media, like Facebook, Instagram, is excellent for branding and engagement. Also, it is useful for digital marketing advertisements. In the past decades, the usage of the internet has doubled. Advertising online seems to be a great option for any business dealers.

Some examples of digital marketing are Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, Paid Search Advertising, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, etc.

What is Clickbait?

Clickbait is content on the internet whose main purpose is to interest and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page and attract as many clicks as possible. Many business people use clickbait to generate more web traffic. Clickbait usually contains sensational headlines or images and a combination of words. Clickbait identification can be easy. You can do this by checking the headline of the content.

READ MORE:  The basic guide on Internet Advertising says Clickbait is that sensationalized headline that will direct consumers to click on an article that will take them to another website. Some clickbait examples are over dramatic. In curiosity, people click the link. Then they realize the article content differs once you go through the link. Clickbait has wordings like “you won’t believe” “can become a billionaire in a day.” 79% of the headline and posts are examined and include an element of shock.

Sometimes people became irritated due to false advertising and created a bad impression of the particular site. Researchers identify seven key Clickbait headline factors: lists, animal references, personal stories, news topics, food topics, pop cultures, and a component of shock or surprises.

Why publishers do it?

Social media marketing is effective and enables the management of social media accounts. While scrolling news feeds, the content should be eye-catching as it inspires and engages customers. Email marketing is the quickest and direct way to reach customers. We can get their feedback as they are trustworthy, relevant, and strategic.

Content marketing serves to educate and motivate consumers who look for information. It is worth it when compared with the other marketing ads. Search engine optimization (SEO) drives visitors to your site while they search for relevant products. It increases the website’s rank by using familiar keywords and phrases.

Who decides what is and isn’t clickbait

Clickbait is good or bad – the argument still goes on. Based on experiences, one can assert that it is based on the experience of an individual user. Some of the pros of why you should go for clickbait are:

  • It gets page views, and some sites survive merely on the money they earn from click-thoughts and pageviews. Clickbait is a viable tool, and once the user is hooked, you can get more pageviews from directing them to other stories.
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Once reading the blog on brand, it provokes an emotional response from the readers, and it is an easy way to get them engaged in your content.

  • Clickbait articles mostly attack emotional tactics.
  • It mainly focuses on social media sharing to boost visibility and readership. It is great for building links. The links your readers post to your content will likely help to increase SEO.
  • Clickbait content is bite-sized and easy to consume and helps to catch up with your followers quickly.

Why is clickbait bad?

  • It can bring in the wrong type of traffic, and it’s never about traffic numbers. Rather than safeguarding the traffic, you denote value to your business.
  • Misaimed and exploitative stories alienate readers as not all readers will experience the kind of emotion you expect. People may oppose the point you are presenting.
  • Google is smart enough to know whether Clickbait’s purpose is to dupe people into reading content that doesn’t serve their needs. So, you may risk Google penalties.
  • Network sites are the gatekeepers as search engines; social networks want to ensure their users with high-quality and valuable content. If they try delivering spammy content, the value of the users is spoiled.

How clickbait works?

While researching something on the internet or going through a project or article on the webpage, the sidebar grabs your attention. It is called Clickbait. It is characterized by wording like “number 5 will shock you!” “how to become a millionaire?” Once you click on that, nothing will be available or even interesting about the wordings.

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There is something that turns our self-will but is misled by the thumbnail links. Some of the YouTube clickbait is worst intending to make views and earn money. YouTube clickbait approach is different, and at times, it is dangerous. It also serves as an effective tool in the right circumstances. Above all things, respect the visitors or customers and serve up content that fulfills their needs before your own.


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