February 4


Link building basics for effective SEO

The web is a planet without borders, full of elements and strategies which – if used in a synergistic way – have extraordinary power. The goal to aim for is, however, always and only one. Which? being able to improve the online presence and make yourself known, increasing the conversion of visitors . This makes it easier to maximize conversions and, therefore, increase revenue. If we think about this, we cannot fail to mention one of the most relevant components of an SEO strategy – and of web marketing in general. Let’s talk about link building .

As we have already explained in other articles, link building is the precise activity that allows you to obtain incoming links from other sites. It is in this way that the link building can improve the positioning of our pages in Serp (acronym of Search Engine Results Page), increasing traffic and as a result – most likely – the catchment area in the target.

To do link building effectively it is necessary to follow certain strategies aimed at each specific case and, above all, to avoid dangerous errors that can undermine – or even completely blow up – our online project. Let’s see together which are the most frequent (and harmful).

Link building: three common mistakes to avoid

When we talk about link building it is necessary to know that we are dealing with a broad, nuanced and very delicate topic. This is why it often creates a bit of uncertainty even in insiders ( leading to making some dangerous mistakes that Google might not forgive). 

First mistake: all links on the page are the same

One of the most frequent is to think that all the links on the page “bring as a dowry” the same link juice value . Mistaken! Links placed at the top of the page (or other prominent part) carry more weight , thus passing more value to the page they link to.

Google, in fact, classifies documents (and links) also based on user behavior , for example by examining how many clicks each of those on the page receives. It goes without saying that “hidden” links in inconspicuous places will receive a few clicks, and therefore will be overlooked by Google, if not viewed with suspicion.

Second mistake: the urban legend

A second mistake is related to a recent “urban legend” which would require you to put the “no-follow” attribute on all links in the text. Assuming it is clear what no-follow and do follow links are , you need to know that common sense must apply in this case as well. Translated into SEO terms it means the natural and right balance between the two types of links , each to be used according to the specific case.

We remind you that no-follow links were originally designed to combat spam and that their exclusive use would risk not only making SEO ineffective, but even undermining one of the pillars on which the whole internet is based, namely the link .

Third mistake: linking to low quality pages

Finally, a third very serious mistake within a link building strategy is that of linking pages that are not optimized and of poor quality . This means that the page you want to push must be well structured, have content of depth and quality, as well as contain the right keywords and possibly be in theme with the linking one. Without paying attention to these aspects, link building is unlikely to bring the desired results.

Link building: a focus on anchor text

L ‘ anchor text is the “anchor text” , ie, the visible text and a clickable hyperlink (usually is underlined and a different color). It is one of the most precious elements in a link building activity , as well as one of the most complex and difficult: you need to know how to manage it with skill (even if apparently it might not seem like that).

Just to give a small example, one of the best known best practices is the one that tells us, in general, to avoid using manipulative anchor text , that is, that have an exact correspondence with the keyword you intend to position / push. This should absolutely be avoided as Google could interpret it as a stretch, with the risk of even being penalized.

But this, as mentioned, is just a small example: only years of experience in the sector can teach an effective and safe use of the “anchors” in every link building campaign, managing the latter professionally from A to Z.

Types of anchor text and how to distinguish them

Before concluding this in-depth analysis, it will be useful to think locally about the main and most widespread types of anchor text . Starting with the ‘title tag’ which shows exactly the title of the referring page. Then there is the so-called natural anchor , which does not contain keywords: these are discursive anchors, whose goal is to explain where the user will be led by clicking on them. Then there are ‘naked’ anchor texts that contain the web address and ‘brand’ ones , which contain the name of a company or brand.

What can we do for you

If you want to know more or are interested in a  high quality Guest posts  or link building services , Prime SEO Services  is the digital PRlink buildingEcommerce SEO  and  brand reputation  (online reputation) agency that can best support  your idea of digital business  and follow you  step by step  to maximize it, increasing revenues.

READ MORE:  What is White Hat and Black Hat SEO


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